Leading supplier of air compressors, welding machines, tools and accessories in the Philippines

Since 1988
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Inverter Welding Machines

Advantages of Inverter Welding Machines –  Up to 80% savings in Electricity –  Compact  and Portable –  Inverter in Mosfet design –  Smaller Generator requirement –  Spare parts available Nationwide

Oil-less Air Compressors

-Medical, Dental & E.N.T. Equipments

-As an oil-less air compressor and Vacuum

-Pump Oxygen Concentrator & Ozone generator

-Semi Conductor processing , chip mounter

-Packing machine , food processing Environmental

-Industrial equipments

-Make-up and handicraft

Available At


Are you looking for Cutting Machines, Drill Press, Magnetic Drill, Rebar Tier, Air Tools or other equipments and accessorries?